Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy / Colon Cleanse
Colon hydrotherapy or cleansing is the best and most effective way to detox the body, considering the main sewer of waste accumulation is the colon. If a person’s colon is not cleansed fully on a daily basis due to inactivity or sluggishness, toxins from there travel throughout the body with common blood flow, causing various illnesses like constipation, acidity, bloated abdomen, burping, water retention, fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, disturbed sleep, bad breath, body odor, pain and aches, etc.
Colon cleansing OR Colonic irrigation OR Colonic .
There are two ways of treating constipation or gastrointestinal issues in the colon cleansing process: one is temporary and immediate relief called enema, and the other is long-term but permanent and the most effective solution, which is colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation.

Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy is a complete wash of the large intestines. It encourages restoration of the colon’s natural function by enhancing peristalsis. Colon hydrotherapy cures chronic health conditions caused by the sluggishness of the intestines when combined with Ayurvedic, homeopathic, and yoga treatments, along with dietary and lifestyle advice.
Colonics are also done before colonoscopy (study of the colon).
How Colon Therapy is Done?
In the colon cleansing process, multi-filtered and ozonized water at body temperature is infused via anal opening. Thereafter, the same water is released, washing away old fecal matter and toxins, which get softened with warm water and are mobilized with external abdominal massage during release. This cycle of filling and emptying is repeated a few times. Normally, three sessions are required to achieve full cleansing of the colon. Only partial cleansing is achieved in the first session, and complete cleansing of old, stubborn, hardened fecal deposits and toxins plastered on colonic walls and their bends is achieved in the second and third sessions.
Negligence of Colon Health Care
A clean, well-functioning, and detoxed colon is extremely important for one’s total wellbeing. We all know the importance of a healthy diet. But that’s only the start. Its correct absorption and elimination are equally important, which take place effectively in a healthy colon only.
Unfortunately, ‘Colon Health Care’ has been greatly neglected in our country. Considering our poor dietary habits of refined, processed, and fried foods and our stressful, sedentary lifestyles, colon function gets affected.
Over a period of time, the colon gets clogged up with old waste matter and loses its ability and strength to process vital nutrients, absorb water, and expel feces, leading to constipation, intestinal gas, piles, bad breath, and body odor.
In fact, many people have constipated without even recognizing the condition for years. Ignorance and delay in its treatment lead to other serious long-term problems like piles, acidity, weight gain, migraines, poor sleep, low energy, etc.
Many experts believe an average person has 3 to 10 kg of accumulated waste matter and gases in the colon.
While not a weight loss procedure, it is interesting to note that many people who complete a series of colon cleanses have reported significant and healthy weight loss as it rids you of retained water and gas, reducing bloating and belly size instantly.
Besides, once the system is detoxed, metabolism increases, which helps in the quick reduction of weight in the future.
Detox & Rejuvenate Your Digestive System
The digestive system is the first to go for a toss among all human functions under pressure from any kind of stress. Colonic (bowel) movement gets sluggish because old fecal matter is held up in the colonic tract, clogging its walls and pockets.
As a result, its natural peristalsis (a wave-like motion that pushes waste and feces down to the rectum) slows down, affecting the daily expulsion of stools.
Causative factors are:
- Stress
- Bad food habits, lacking necessary fiber
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Untimely and late eating
- Smoking, drinking, and eating a lot of non-vegetarian food
- Insufficient, disturbed, and late sleep
- Anxiety, worry, and emotional imbalances
- Lack of hydration
All this leads to the retention of toxins and feces, which causes bloating, constipation, acidity, flatulence, etc.
Toxicity from the colon then spreads throughout the body via blood flow and leads to lethargy, fatigue, headaches, bad breath, body odor, poor sleep, weight gain, and lowered immunity.
The good news is… You can get rid of all these problems in just three (40-minute) sessions of colon hypnotherapy done over 3-6 days, for a maximum of three weeks. combined with homeopathic medicines, ayurvedic hot oil massages, diet, and lifestyle advice. This will give you a clean, clear colon, free of all old deposits, feces, and toxins, with a healthier diet and lifestyle habits.
Thereafter, you can learn to remove all those causative factors from your life, restore good health with natural daily colonic (bowel) movement, and maintain it with a doctor’s consultation and regular follow-ups.
You will feel immediate improvement in:
- Better Energy Level
- Better sleep quality
- Weight Balancing
- Clear, glowing skin, lustrous hair
- Constipation and acidity
- Immunity Boost
Types of Colon Hydrotherapy we offer
Detox Colon Hydrotherapy
Our body forms toxins every day because of the type of food, stress, lack of sleep, etc. Colon cleansing, or hydrotherapy, is one of the best methods to remove these toxic waste materials from our digestive tract at a very deep level. Colon cleansing leads to a high energy level, better sleep, and scientific weight reduction.
Medical Colon Hydrotherapy
Colonic in combination with homeopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy, acupressure, reflexology, massages, a balanced diet, and a healthier lifestyle will be helpful in relieving related problems mentioned below in the list of causes of colonic toxicity.
Colon Hydrotherapy for Weight Loss
Colon hydrotherapy, in combination with other weight loss procedures like diet, ayurveda, yoga, Naturopathy, homeopathy, and fat-breaking massages, can effectively help you lose weight anywhere from 3 to 20 kg in a short span. Colonics have a long-term effect on weight loss, which carries on even after the treatment.
Patient Care of Challenged Guests At 'Bliss'
Beginning of an end to all your gastro-intestinal issues like constipation, gas, bloating, acid reflux, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. As well as conditions due to sluggish bowels. Such as: insomnia, obesity, body Odour, bad breath, coated tongue, mood swings, headache, migraine, PCOD, and dysmenorrhoea. We at Bliss Holistic Health Centre guarantee to solve all these issues. Combination detox plans are given, including:
- Colon and Liver Cleanse
- Cellular Cleanse
- Detox Diet
- Ayurvedic detox massage
- Steam Bath
- Abdominal Bath
- Mud Packs
- Salt and oil enemas
- Homoeopathy
- Yoga and meditation
- Visit for free counseling and end your gut problems.
Dr. Poonam Bali
“All health problems begin in digestive tract and creating a healthy colon is a first great step to wellness”
Colonic toxicity causes many problems like:
- Constipation/ Acidity
- Diarrhea/Colitis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Abdominal gas, Body odor
- Enlarged prostate / Piles
- Chronic Fatigue
- Headache and Migraine
- Insomnia/ Depression
- Hypertension/ Stress
- Allergies/ Skin Rashes
- Arthritis/ Backaches/Joint Pains
- Menstrual Problems
- Hair loss
- Asthma, Acne/ Eczema
Brief about the procedure:
The procedure is safe, painless and without any side effects. Colon cleansing doesn’t cause any weakness, on the contrary you feel more energized. You can go back to your daily routine soon after the treatment.
- You can eat light and clean food, preferably vegetarian, or maximum fish and eggs etc. while going through program.
- Heavy meats, pickled foods are to be avoided to get best benefit from treatment.
- Treatment Time- 45 Minutes
- Stomach condition- 1.5 – 2 hours after light breakfast like oats, fruit, juice etc. Or 3 hrs after a medium size meal.
- Number of sessions required- 3 to 6 sessions at the beginning. Thereafter once or twice a month depending on case history.
What To Expect After Colonic Session ?
Colon cleanse is done to rid the body of very old toxic waste (facial matter) plastered on the walls of large intestines. So that day to day colonic movement (peristalsis) is activated to expel feces timely, This process sends the body into detox mode. Toxins that have been staying in the gut for so many years are withdrawn. The body is used to keeping them. This brings the system into a withdrawal mode, which is new—extra work that the body is not used to doing. So, to allow the body to cope with this additional work, we need to adjust the workload in two ways:
- Giving it less work of digestion by eating light, clean food
- Resting the body with sufficient and timely sleep
Whatever the response of the body after the colon,it all settles within a few hours. In our experience of conducting colonic sessions for over 18 years, usually there is no settling time required post-session; the only feeling is of feeling lighter and slimmer, and it is unnecessary to add cleaner.
Depending on the level of toxic buildup in the body, in cases of people with chronic gastrointestinal disturbances or a history of heavy alcohol, drug, or medicine intake, In a very rare case, a person may feel lightheadedness, a temporary feeling of nausea or dizziness for a couple of hours only,which settles automatically with the intake of water, juice, and electrolyte. An additional probiotic drink will help to settle this feeling very fast. And in any case, there is no reason to worry about anything, and one should complete the course of three mandatory sessions of colonics, liver, and gall bladder cleansing as per the recommendation of a consulting doctor without any preconceived notions or hesitation. We are there for your full support.
Enema is a procedure to expel stools accumulated in the rectum (last 8 inches) of the colon in severe constipation cases where the stools are hard, dry, painful, and harmful to expel by themselves. It gives immediate but temporary relief.
Lukewarm water infusion is given in the rectal canal with a 1 cm-wide tube. 100 to 300 ml of water is infused. The client has to hold up this water inside the rectum by sitting up, walking around, or in a downward dog position for a few minutes to soften the stools and enable them to flush out by sitting on the toilet pot.

Colon Hydrotherapy vs enema
Colon is like an internal purification plant for the body. All cells and tissues, including the organs of detoxification—the liver, skin, and lungs—rely on the colon so that they can remove toxins from the body.
When the colon is well cleansed, its capacity to absorb nutrients like water, electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins from processed and digested foods is increased. This helps well-nourished blood carry all these micronutrients to different parts of the body.
An average person has 3 to 7 kg of old fecal matter in their colon. Even if one has bowel movements daily, if evacuation is insufficient, a good amount of waste is left behind as an accumulation of mucus, feces, and toxins that create a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites that putrefy and cause gas.
The colon passage gets bloated with gas and does not allow waste to travel downward; peristalsis gets slowed due to plastered walls; and a person cannot detoxify and cleanse as a result.
Over time, as toxicity increases, it leads to poor health overall.
Colon cleansing can help reset our overall health by improving the absorption of nutrients from good food we consume; otherwise, they just go unabsorbed with waste matter.
Auto-intoxication can cause hormonal imbalance, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, insomnia, candida, and many other problems.
Some points to note:
Contrary to what modern medical practitioners think, who are non-believers in the goodness of alternative health care methods without medicines and surgeries, that use only nature’s and the body’s own resources, like the five elements of naturopathy, there is no harmful effect of colon cleansing, during or after. It’s simply introducing water through a passage provided by nature, the anal opening, which we use daily to pass stools, sometimes very large and dry stools when constipated.
There is no chance of any injury or infection because high standards of hygiene are used with disposable kits. The flow of water is very thin, gradual, and gentle; it is non-invasive.
Speculum is introduced gently with a lubricated gel. So, no tear can happen as the opening is already there. So, there is zero harm.
The process is 45 minutes. Done by experienced and skilled experts supervised by qualified doctors. (Ayurvedic, Naturopath, and Homeopath who are medical degree holders and believers in alternative healthcare)
Probiotics are given just after a session to instantly build up healthy bacteria (Lactus bacilli), which may have been washed out with water during the process.
A yogurt meal is given as the first meal to further assist the gut in building good bacteria, followed by a light meal to keep the body free from toxic foods like meat, heavy spices, sugary foods, and fried foods for 1 week, preferably. Though there are no strict regimes to be followed, But it’s just to facilitate the detoxification process.
We don’t use any herbal ingredients, coffee, etc. in the colon hydrotherapy procedure. These are done in herbal enemas for various conditions.
1 Month, 6 Month and Annual family packages are offered.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The last five feet of the digestive tract is called colon. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water, electrolytes and some vitamins, as well as preparing and storing faecal matter prior to elimination.
Colon hydrotherapy is the irrigation of the colon by a gentle infusion of multi purified water under regulated temperature and pressure.
No, it is not. Colon hydrotherapy tones the muscles of the bowel and restores its natural peristalsis, the wave like motion that moves waste along the intestinal tract.
No, there is no side effects. Treatment is conducted by a fully automatic, highly sophisticated machine from the USA, approved by FDA, with prescribed ISO certificates and using international standards of hygiene, disposable kits, highly filtered, oxygenated and ozonised water. No use of medicines, so no side effects.
No, it will not make you weak. On the contrary, it energizes the system by removing harmful toxins and waste from the body. The cleansed colon serves as an ideal place for necessary good bacteria to flourish while eradicating the harmful ones. Besides lactus bacilli, powder is given orally post session to replace healthy bacteria instantly.
Laxatives are considered to be a stimulant and irritant to the colon. They draw water from the body and form a thin watery substance that clears only the most recently digested waste leaving impacted waste behind on the colon wall. Enemas serve to clean out only the last 8 inches of colon. Enema or colaema is rectal cleansing not colon cleanse.
Yes, being an essentially natural process there is virtually no danger in colonic treatment.
No, it is not painful at all.
Take a light healthy meal of about (250 calories) 2 to 3 hours before session. Drink plenty of water few days before. If possible, avoid alcohol.
Best time to do it is 2 to 3 hours after breakfast or 3 to 4 hours after lunch.
It takes about 45 minutes to complete one session.
Over days, weeks and years, some waste matter gets accumulated in the colon due to poor eating habits, stress, lack of water and putrified overtime, causing gas and toxins. Blood that circulates in the body is same which passes through colon picking up these toxins and carrying it to the whole body. Besides constipation this causes all other ailments like headache, acidity, bloatedness, IBS, allergies, skin rashes, fatigues, pains, fluid retention etc.
Over 3 sessions of colon cleanse in 7 to 10 days, this process is reversed. It removes all impacted faeces, gases, toxins, leaving you with an improved sense of wellbeing, clearer mind, higher energy, flatter tummy and reduced weight.
No, it is not. Colon hydrotherapy tones the muscles of the bowel and restores its natural peristalsis, the wave like motion that moves waste along the intestinal tract.
Colon hydrotherapy is the irrigation of the colon by a gentle infusion of multi purified water under regulated temperature and pressure.
Over days, weeks and years, some waste matter gets accumulated in the colon due to poor eating habits, stress, lack of water and putrified overtime, causing gas and toxins. Blood that circulates in the body is same which passes through colon picking up these toxins and carrying it to the whole body. Besides constipation this causes all other ailments like headache, acidity, bloatedness, IBS, allergies, skin rashes, fatigues, pains, fluid retention etc.
Over 3 sessions of colon cleanse in 7 to 10 days, this process is reversed. It removes all impacted faeces, gases, toxins, leaving you with an improved sense of wellbeing, clearer mind, higher energy, flatter tummy and reduced weight.
Yes, IBS can be treated with regular colonics, diet and lifestyle change, by removing unnecessary stress from your life.
Overtime colon (large intestine or bowels) gets clogged with old hard faeces and gas. Old sticky mucus gets plastered on the walls of colon. This slows the colonic wave like motion (peristalsis) which pushes forward the waste matter and expels it. This results in constipation.
It is Lack of sufficient, timely and easy expulsion all fecel waste, built up in the large intestines. Once food reaches the stomach, it takes 4 to 8 hours to become waste or faeces.
Fruits and Juices = 2 Hours
Vegetables and Fish = 4 Hours
Grains = 5 Hours
Poultry = 6 Hours
Red and White Meat = 8 Hours
A healthy colon should expel faeces without strain or effort 2 to 3 times in 24 hours, amount equivalent to all food consumed, which used to happen with our ancestors as they lived a disciplined quality life without much stress, pollution, pesticides, adulterated food. They had regulated motion without strain 2 to 3 times.
It’s a gentle and safe naturopathic treatment, where purified water is introduced through anal canal with a special speculum. During fill phase, hydro machine gives a gentle push to the thin trickle of highly filtered water to go up the entire colonic canal, softening and dislodging the hardened faecal and toxic deposits on colon’s walls and pockets and throws it out through the machine during empty phase of cycle.
This cycle of fill and empty is repeated 5 to 6 times during one session. You lie comfortably on bed, after initial gentle painless insertion of speculum, you will start feeling sensation of warm water going into large intestines. After 2 to 3 minutes of fill, cycle will go to empty phase when therapist will gently massage your lower abdomen to facilitate expulsion of waste. One colonic session is equal to 2 to 4 regular bowel movements.
When you do colonics first time you must complete 3 sessions in 7 to 10 days’ time to get rid of all old deposits, gases and toxins. As some stub burn hard deposits will not come out in 1 to 2 sessions. After that change of lifestyle, food habits, water therapy and regularizing bowel movement, you can maintain this clean state of colon by doing one session per month.
Yes, as colonic procedure expels all gas and faecal matter held up in colonic track, lying since long which bloats the belly. Removal of all this will surely reduce belly by 2 inches or so and detox effect further expedites in shedding weight and inches fast.
There are no lasting or damaging side effects at all. After session, rarely a very sensitive person with a disturbed digestive system (GIT) can go through mild nausea, cramps temporarily which settles by itself in couple of hours by taking rest. This happens as there is movement in colon with water going in. But it’s one in 100 cases.