Naturopathy is a natural healing process using healing power from nature. The principle of Naturopathy is that the accumulation of toxins leads to all illnesses. By eliminating toxic waste on a regular basis and preventing its retention in the future, one can enjoy long-term health benefits.
There is no role of any kind of medicine in these cures, rather food plays the role of medicine.
Natural cures are achieved using the following practices as well.
- Yoga
- Foot & Nutrition
- Magnet Therapy
- Physiotherapy
Additionally, this multi-disciplinary approach uses the healing power of natural resources like food, herbs, and magnets and awakens the body’s natural capacity to cure itself.
Furthermore, These cures are very effective in degenerative and chronic conditions like Asthma, Arthritis, Gastrointestinal issues Hypertension, and other lifestyle disorders.
Naturopathy treatments revolve around healthy food habits and modifying lifestyle, herbal supplements.
First of all, Naturopathy is a system of health care that is rooted in the belief that our body has the innate power to heal itself. Moreover, Nature is comprised of five elements, namely Earth, Sun, Water, Air, and Ether. In addition, Our body is also made of these five elements. Naturopathy cures are performed, making use of these panchabhutas or five elements, using their great healing power.
- Earth : Mud Therapy, Mud packs, and Mud baths
- Fire : Sun Baths
- Water : Water Baths, Hydrotherapy such as Jets, Packs, Compresses and Immersions.
- Air : Walks in an Airy environment, Breathing exercises, Open Air Baths.
- Ether : Emptiness or Fasting therapy.
At Bliss, you can avail, yourself of carefully designed and executed therapies, based on the Naturopathy approach, which addresses removing the fundamental root cause of any disease.