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Expert Acne and Pigmentation Solutions in Delhi

4 Oct, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Expert Acne and Pigmentation Solutions in Delhi

Expert Acne and Pigmentation Solutions in Delhi

Acne and Pigmentation

Are you struggling with acne and pigmentation? So visit Bliss Care Center today for expert solutions. With our expert advice and guidance, you will have flawless skin and regain your confidence. Contact us today for a consultation!

Acne and Pigmentation

Acne and Pigmentation

Acne Treatment :

Acne is a condition in which overactive oil glands and dead cells clog the pores, resulting in pimples from bacterial infection. It mostly occurs in teen years. There are different forms of acne, such as acne rosacea or acne simplex, pustules, papules, nodules, or cysts. They mostly involve the face, neck, back, and shoulders. If left untreated, it may cause blemishes and scarring.

The treatment of acne involves medicated cleanup to get rid of excess oil, sebum, and pus as a first step.

After medicines to reduce the oil, infections are given orally as well as for local application.

The complete protocol Hygienic skin care, a correct diet, and lifestyle modifications are advised during counseling. This will surely lead to acne-free skin in no time.


Pigmentation Treatment :

With age, women undergo various hormonal changes, which can trigger skin pigmentation disorders. The cells that contain melanin pigments often get overstimulated, which results in the formation of dark spots and patches, also called melasma or cholasma.

We believe that skin disorders reflect the imbalance caused by the human body. Therefore, our diagnosis and homeopathic treatment approach is focused on tracking down the root cause to cure the disease. The homeopathic approach to skin problems is to know the cause at the constitutional level, based on which the analysis and evaluation of the case are done, and a proper constitutional medicine is selected along with symtomatic treatment.

Homeopathy also does not believe in treating skin disorders with local ointments and creams; rather, it prefers oral medicines that go deep into the system and cure from within. Homeopathic medicines stop the excess production of melanin, oil, and sebum and ultimately stop the further occurrence of skin patches as well as acne.


Expert Acne and Pigmentation Solutions in Delhi

If you are looking for expert acne and pigmentation solutions in Delhi, meet Dr. Poonam Bali today. She is a renowned dermatologist who can provide effective treatment for acne and pigmentation. We know that acne and pigmentation problems are very bothersome. It is advisable to seek professional help for its treatment. Here, we told you what acne and pigmentation are and where you can get their treatment in Delhi. To get treatment for this problem, meet Delhi’s famous homeopathy doctor, Doctor Poonam Bali, today.

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