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Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyangam)

13 Oct, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyangam)

Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyangam)

Abhyangam is a very ancient Ayurvedic massage therapy from India. People have been using this therapy for thousands of years to cure many types of diseases. This therapy is considered excellent for promoting health and well-being. Abhyangam is made up of two words in Sanskrit. The first word is “Abhi” which means side and the second word is “Aang” which means body. Let us take a look at the art of Abhyangam massage (abhyanga massage) and its benefits.

  1. Hot oil is usually used in this massage therapy. But the oil is first selected on the basis of the patient’s anatomy and health. Many types of herbs are mixed with the oils used in this so that the patient can benefit from their medicinal properties.
  2. In therapy, massage is often done gently and soothingly so that the person being massaged gets maximum comfort and pleasure.
  3. Many types of techniques are used in abhyanga massage so that the patient can improve blood circulation and relieve stress.
  4. In massage, techniques like long strokes, circular movements, and gentle kneading are used.
  5. Abhyangam massage focuses on full-body massage.
  6. By concentrating on the vital points of the body, important areas of the body are covered so that the patient gets more comfort.
  7. Abhyanga massage is designed to be relaxing and meditative. It is done in a calm and soothing environment.
  8. This therapy relieves stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue.
  9. This massage stimulates blood flow and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
    Toxins get eliminated from the body due to Abhyangam massage.
  10. Abhyangam massage (abhyanga massage) is a very good therapy to improve joint mobility.
  11. With the use of this therapy, the skin of the body becomes soft and supple.
  12. Abhyangam therapy cures insomnia.
  13. For some people, Abhyanga massage therapy can be a deeply meditative and spiritual practice. Which promotes inner peace and self-awareness.

Ayurvedic MassageAbhyangam is a form of Ayurvedic Medicine that includes the massage of the body with oil. This has synchronized massage traditionally done by 2 therapists using ayurvedic oil. In addition to the beneficial effects of massage that reduces stress, improves circulation and relaxes taut muscles. It also helps in curing aches and pains.


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Medicated Ayurvedic Hot oil applies with a pouch full of herbal blend and massaged. Herbal pouch destresses strained muscles without applying too much pressure. It is one of the best ayurvedic massages, as it also helps in relieving painful knees, shoulder and lowers back by applying the juice of these herbs mixed with pain oil. Suitable pressure will apply. >> Read More

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