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Homeopathy For Elderly

21 Sep, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Homeopathy For Elderly

As we age, our immunity, the defense mechanism of body starts to diminish slowly. Gradual process of degeneration sets in after forty years. We need to take, type of health care, which complements and preserves the body’s natural immune system. So that despite process of ageing, body is capable of looking after itself without dependence on artificial medicines, doctors, surgeries and hospitals as much as possible.
Alternative wellness, be it HomeopathyNaturopathyAyurveda or Yoga, treats body for any possible imbalances using food, plants, herbs as medicine and corrects them in a gentle and natural way, restoring immune strength rather than dominating and slowly killing it as happens in allopathy.
Any medical condition of advanced age can be successfully treated by Alternative Medicine, if applied timely before pathology of condition goes out of hand and one has to be hospitalized. Not only, this approach prevents and cures serious medical conditions such as ArthritisHigh Blood Pressure, High Blood Cholesterol, Gout, kidney, Gall bladder, Stones, Prostate enlargement, etc.

Even conditions of brain like Dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, Stroke, Paralysis can be prevented and treated.
Homeopathic remedies are complementing, immunity building plant substances which don’t allow such conditions to set in, reduce effect of ageing to a large extent, by delaying and arresting these dreadful conditions. Many successful recoveries are recorded in history of alternative medicine. This gentle and soft approach is also more conducive to mental and emotional health of any ageing person, providing security by being treated in familiar home environment rather than harsh, pocket draining hospitals or nursing homes.


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