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Preventive Health With Detox Diet

18 Sep, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Preventive Health With Detox Diet

Our body is like a machine which is made to work nonstop, day and night, without a break, in order to digest all kind of foods, non-vegetarian, wheat, maida, fried, and sweets, it gets overworked and packs up. Some people eat late dinner and again next morning tea with biscuit /rusk etc. starts, body is always loaded with work and more work.

As a result, our body especially gut, gets tired and all kinds of illnesses start such as Constipation, Weight gain, IBS, Crohn’s, Poor liver Function, Stone formation, Bad sleep, Bad odor, Acidity, Gas, Reflux.

Light, clean, freshly prepared diet of multicolor fruits and vegetables, up to 80%, balance of other micronutrient filled diet, will give sufficient rest to the body. During this phase, body is free from heavy digestive workload and it gets busy in fixing imbalances (illness) within. This phase can be for 3-7 days or more, according to how much rest one’s body needs. This Diet acts as roughage and allows the system to digest and metabolize the food easily.  It helps the body to clean accumulated toxic matter sitting in different areas, due to incomplete expulsion of fecal matter.

Detox means cleansing of the body and mind both. Detox diet helps to clear our clogged system and enhances flushing of deoxygenated (toxic) blood and increases the flow of oxygenated (fresh)blood.

Detox reboots our metabolism and makes our body rid of the toxins.

By eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar and meats, with an emphasis on food that nourishes our body, demanding less digestive energy. It improves energy, boosts immunity and weight loss, gives relief from constipation, headaches, migraines, muscle aches and fatigue. In addition to cleansing the toxins out of the body, it also has positive effects on mental health. It brings the sense of calm, freshness and peace within the body.

This is how your own body becomes your Doctor, Hospital, Surgeon, and Medicine all in one.

Food and lifestyle with balanced approach and discipline towards everything becomes your ground for recovery.

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