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Say ‘Bye’ To Fatty Liver @ ‘BLISS’

19 Sep, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Say ‘Bye’ To Fatty Liver @ ‘BLISS’

Liver is the largest and an important organ in our body with more than 400 functions to perform including metabolising the nutrition.

Sedentry lifestyle, poor dietary habits, late night eating, heavy non-veg dinners, pesticides in food and environmental pollution etc., all these factors lead to malfunction of liver which gets loaded with toxic waste deposits including cholesterol.

This leads to poor conversion of food we consume and alters levels of cholesterol and triglycerides etc.

We at ‘Bliss’ make you go through a ‘Liver Detox’ process followed by advice on Diet and lifestyle, which leads to, correction of disturbed liver function. Further, support of homeopathic remedies help in optimising liver function within a short period, with effective weight loss, as an additional benefit.

Duration of Treatment Cost
Intitial Process Of 5.5 days Rs. 2,000
1-2 Months of Diet + Lifestyle Advice + Homeo support Rs. 3,500


Healthy well functioning Liver with renewed sense of well being. Lasting, healthy, weight loss of 5-7 kgs minimum.

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