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Skin Disorders​

19 Sep, 2023 | Dr. Poonam Bali | No Comments

Skin Disorders​

Skin disorders can vary greatly in their symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or long term. But mostly they are reflection of inner health which is exhibited through skin like a mirror.

Reasons such as :

  • Constipation             : Genetic
  • Poor Sleep                 : Lower immunity
  • Poor Food Habits     : Autoimmune disorder
  • Stress                          : Lack of Hygeine
  • Poor Breathing         : Lack of Hydration
  • Allergies

As skin conditions are manifestation of inner health story. Many times when deeper health conditions are suppressed for temporary relief by use of allopathy, it leads to those trapped toxins erupting into skin area, like Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Urticaria etc.

Best way to treat these conditions for long term, permanent cures is by applying holistic approach, that is to look into all angles which caused them in the first place such as :

  • Diet & life style correction.
  • Destress and Detox Therapies
  • Raising Immunity
  • Better Hygiene Practice
  • Hydrate more

Also fix internal disorders which are root cause, through use of homeopathy, ayurveda, yoga etc.

At Bliss, we have experience of treating skin disorders for over twenty five years. First ten years of BLISS, our sole focus was in the area of Skin care only with holistic approach which later grew into Holistic Health Centre.

Dr. Bali’s experience in treating skin disorders is deep and vast with many success stories, specially in cosmetic skin care field like Acne, Pigmentation, Moles, Warts, Skin Tags, Vitiligo etc.


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